Is it better without you, or because of you? Dr. Eric Strand Eric Says July 17, 2024 0As you may or may not know, I started my own SCUBA ‘thing’ a couple years ago. While there were...
I can smell your fear from here! Dr. Eric Strand Eric Says December 17, 2023 0I’m in another beef, and not the kind I like (fillet- medium rare and bacon wrapped)! So, for anyone following...
Kids or Parents? Dr. Eric Strand Eric Says October 16, 2023 2I am at peace right now, and I think I know why!
So You’re a Vampire, Eh? Dr. Eric Strand Eric Says September 20, 2023 2What if you had to be a vampire?
Doc Life Dr. Eric Strand Eric Says September 7, 2023 0What is Doc Life? It’s not just for doctors, although it can be a little more strict there… but Doc...
Practice SMB Dr. Eric Strand #boymade August 29, 2023 0If you’re a SCUBA diver worth any salt at all, then you’ve been carrying around a SMB (surface marker buoy)...
Let it GO. Dr. Eric Strand Health August 8, 2023 0Just the fart facts, ma'am. It's better to cut and run than choke it down.
A Fan Favorite for Leftover Steak Dr. Eric Strand #boymade November 9, 2022 0Sure, you could just eat that leftover steak - or you could make Gucchetta!
Vitamin B: A food sourced vitamin Dr. Eric Strand Health October 21, 2022 0In 22 years of doctoring, one of the most common questions I get asked, aside from “why are you putting...
Handwashing: It’s Important! Dr. Eric Strand Health November 9, 2021 0Prevent poo-mouth and wash your hands!